Dracōville Flag

D racōville is a dragon-governed city-state originally built by the Romans. The official language is Latin. Although the dragons speak every modern and dead language in existence, and even some that have yet to exist, few will condescend to speak English or any other modern language.

The History of Dracōville

In addition to Latin, visitors to Dracōville are recommended to gain an understanding of the Dracōville date system, Ab Ūniversitāte Dracōvillis Condita, though it has not yet been determined whether it is possible for a non-dragon to understand the date system.

Dracōville University

Dracōville University, or Universitas Dracōvillis, is the only university in Dracōville. The University offers courses and sports relevant to dragons and wizards.

Guild of Apothecaries

The Guild of Apothecaries is the best and only medical institution in Dracōville. Their funding is provided based on their success at curing the plague, and keeps going up due to the increasing number of people with the plague and the 100% survival rate, according to their reports.


The Misosophist's Pebble - Jan 10 2014

Pan the Panda Predicts End of the World - Jan 8 2014

Duke Sebastian Authorizes Exception to Anti-technology laws - Mar 4 2013

Guild of Apothecaries 2013 Budget Approved - Jan 5 2013

Guild of Apothecaries wins 2012 Dracōville Medical Award - Jan 1 2013