The Misosophist's Pebble

The Dracōville Alchemical Society has achieved a breakthrough in the science of alchemy—the misosophist's pebble. The misosophist's pebble has the ability to transmute any metal into lead.

The Dracōville Alchemical Society is a secret society (though everyone knows about them and can list most of the members) dedicated to the study and advancement of the art and science of alchemy. They are rumored to possess a secret laboratory deep underground in the heart of Dracōville where they carry out their secret research, though the tale varies depending on who you hear the rumor from. Some say the society just meets at the house of one of the members and doesn't have a great lab, while others report with certainty that they possess an entire city of gold beneath the ground where the alchemists dwell for all eternity, having already achieved the philosophers stone and the elixir of life.

Of course, this is all speculation. What we do know is that the Dracōville Alchemical Society does exist, and they have achieved the misosophist's pebble. It is only a matter of time before they succeed in producing the philosopher's stone, if they have not already done so.

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